Digibox started some 50 years ago from the photographic section of the Metal Box Social Club. Metal Box was a large company in Worcester, locally known as the 'The Box'.
Then the club became independent and was known as 'The Box Camera Club'.
The name changed again to Digibox Camera Club when digital photography arrived.
Worcester Golf and Country Club, Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester WR2 4EZ
Our Thursday meetings begin again from September 12th 2024. We start setting up and socialising from 7pm ready for a prompt 7.30pm start. Meetings end by 9.30pm.
It doesn't matter if you create images using a camera phone, a compact camera or an DSLR. Come along and share your images. Guest lecturers and members are always keen to share their insights and experience.
Fees -Annual membership (Due September 2024)
- Adult £50 + £3 weekly subs per person
- Couple £80 + £3 weekly subs per person
- Full time Students £20 + £1 weekly subs per person
- Under 16s can only attend if accompanied by an adult.
The sessions take a variety of formats including monthly competitions with visiting judges, external speakers and shoot-outs. Keep an eye on the Programme for up to date information.